Theory and Application of
Bandhas (Energy Locking)

September 12 + 26, October 10 + 24 = 9am-10am

Zoom Livestream Sessions + Recordings
Sliding scale for this = $60-$108 investment.

My desire is to show you not only the Bandhas but how to take these practices to the next level for yourself.  This time of year requires an uptick in your digestive fire and bandhas are just the thing to do it!

We will talk theory and application of each bandha separately - Jalandhara, Uddiyana, Mula Bandha and then all together (treta bandha) each week. 

Also  - Agni Sara, Ashwini Mudra, and Nauli Kriya will be practiced as well!

We will be going deep in a slow progressive loving way.  If there is tension in the body, Bandhas are very challenging.  If we loosen up the guts, get gooey..... we can really enjoy the abundance of energy that bandhas provide!

My hope is you will love how I workshop the Bandhas and will continue beyond our time together with the recordings until you no longer need them!

What You Receive With the Series:  

  • PDF's so you don't have to take notes if you don't want to....

  • 60 minute session with progressive techniques that will lead you to greater awareness of how to lock energy.

  • Recording of the entire series as it is happening and again all at once when we have finished!

  • If you come to the live sessions, questions can be answered in real time.  If you cannot attend live, you can always email me with questions!

To Register :
Pay via Venmo or Paypal signaling that it is for "Bandhas"
+ include Your email if paying through Venmo

Once payment comes through, I will send the Zoom URL! Easy ;-)