Master Your Teaching : Skills and Drills Intensive
with Jean Mazzei and Brenna Geehan

This workshop is for Yoga teachers who want to master their craft. Long gone are the days you can show up, wing it, and hope for the best.

Learn how to seamlessly weave in breath, energy work, visualizations and meditations into your teaching style. You will graduate from this four day potent urban immersion shining brighter, having found your authentic voice, and being able to reflect and express with clarity all of the amazing inner work you have done in your practice.



Early bird rate still active! Only $699 for the entire 4 day weekend. 
USE CODE: MasterTeacher50

Jean Mazzei and Brenna Geehan of Sri Yoga have been collectively teaching for over 40 years all over the world. Their home base is in San Francisco Bay Area, California.

In this 4-day immersion, they have brought together all the secrets of effectively teaching beyond your usual yoga class.  

Learn from Master Teachers Brenna Geehan and Jean Mazzei in this one of a kind special offering which will leave you more ready to tackle your future of transformation as a strong, confident and knowledgeable Yoga teacher.