Brenna Digests India, Pink Floyd, and Photos


Brenna Digests India, Pink Floyd, and Photos

As a general rule in my life, I let things change me…. but it takes time. As my teacher, Panditji, pointed out to me once - Digestion takes the longest compared to shopping for the food, prepping the food and eating the food. So, I decided to go to India. I prepared by diving into learning the complete practices I would be doing together with my Sangha. I then went to India and enjoyed and ate every last morsel within the experience. I came home… re-entered back to San Francisco… back to my same old weekly schedule and daily life with the same wonderful and inspiring community.

Where has my digestion of this experience led me?


I am ready to Nurture myself! You?


I am ready to Nurture myself! You?

Dearest Yoginis and Yogis and lovers of life!

Today I woke up bursting with new ideas which is usually in the scope of visual arts.  I don't always tend to these projects but I do love that I even get to have these insights and creative flows! Why am I having them now?  Because, it is Springtime.  Like clockwork- the weather gets warmer and my creative juices start flowing.  

What happens for you in the Spring Time?  Have you noticed any patterns in your life around seasons?

What I love about personal exploration is that I know a lot of my patterns now.  I can look forward to my joyfulness in the Summer, Prepare for my overwhelmingness in the Autumn and my introspectiveness in the Winter, and My Creativity in the Spring.  Because I know this...  Autumn and Winter are much easier times now. I know they will pass and are my fuel to my creative Springs!

Here are my Springtime offerings that I hope will help grow your Sri (resplendence, joy, and enthusiasm)!!!!

Love, Brenna 


 Introducing My New Audio Meditation Series!

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Introducing My New Audio Meditation Series!

Dearest Sri (Resplendent) Beings! 
Finally!  I present to you my first Audio Meditation Digital Download Series!  

In this "Change Your Energy, Change Your Life" Meditation Series, I bring to you 3 meditations that I practice on a regular basis to keep my body, mind, heart and spirit thriving!

You have heard me say it a million times - 
"Change Your Breath, Change Your Energy. 
Change Your Energy, Change Your Mind.  
Change Your Mind, Change Your Life."

These 3 meditations will help you thrive in the areas that yoga considers to be the most important things to strengthen to be successful as a human being!

Want to know more?  Head over to my "Meditate" page! 

Find your CALM, your POWER, and your CREATIVITY!

Love, Brenna

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Yogic Techniques that Saved My Life


Yogic Techniques that Saved My Life

Dearest Yogins!

You're probably already having moments this year of complete overwhelm.  You have heard me ask a million times - What if you could digest life as it comes?  What if stress didn't accumulate in your body?  
Growing up, I struggled with allergies and irritable bowel syndrome.  The allergies gave me a lot of mucus and low lung energy which led to fatigue.  The IBS led to a lot of pain and discomfort and isolating myself to deal with it.  When I met my teacher, the first requirement was get a neti pot, learn nauli, and of course start managing your nervous system with asana, pranayama, and meditation.

The result - Rare allergic reactions and  I can't remember the last time I had an IBS episode.  AND through continuous yoga practice, I'm PRESENT and therefore can digest life as it comes.

This is why I teach the Detox Your Life Workshop where I share the techniques that have given me FREEDOM.

To see when I teach this and other workshops inspired by my path, visit my calendar

Love and Light,



Post Election... Yoga required.


Post Election... Yoga required.

Hello Yoginis and Yogis!

We are a great Sangha... a great community across the whole Nation. We are like-minded souls who want peace and love to prevail. In this moment, we are shocked... we really thought this time we could have back to back democrats in office. We really thought we had a chance to push forward our more progressive ideas about Race, Sex, and the Environment. 

We all know what we will do.  We will keep trying.  Have you ever been the type to quit?  To build a wall?  I doubt it...especially since you all love yoga so much.  You love tearing down the walls.  You know it's hard and painful and seemingly endless.... but you keep trying.  You continue to look for new insight.  New ways to move towards peace and love in your body, your mind, your work, your families, and with our Earth Mother.

The past 8 years and this election has taught this country so much.  It has removed the veils from our eyes. The biggest veil is the belief that we can separate ourselves from others and simply be left alone in peace.  Whether you live in the woods in Michigan or surrounded by millions of neighbors in the Bay Area.... We cannot keep building walls.

Why have I always trusted in Yoga?  Because at its' core teaching - all unrest and confusion (Avidya) is caused by the belief that we are separate from anything else.  My life mission is to constantly work towards connection and seeing the interdependence of all things and beings.

I know you are doing this as well.  Please hold your hearts up high.  Please take care of your bodies and stand in your steadiness as we keep pushing forward for what we know is the only conceivable future.

Maitreya is a bodhisattva (a person who is able to reach nirvana but delays doing so out of compassion in order to save suffering beings) who will appear on Earth in the future, achieve complete enlightenment, and teach the pure dharma.  Many believe now that the Maitreya will not be just one person, but a whole community of beings.  That's us.  Yes, Let's be the Maitreya.  
Hold your hearts up high!

I love you, 


Yoginis!   I want you to know why I am teaching for the online  Sex, God, and Yoga conference and why I want you to support it!


Yoginis! I want you to know why I am teaching for the online Sex, God, and Yoga conference and why I want you to support it!

This post is specifically for all the women that practice yoga , the humans that identify with the being woman, and all the others that support us. 
As a teacher, I attempt to be androgynous.  Neither male or female, neither masculine or feminine.  In the deepest teachings of yoga, we are not only seeking balance with the masculine and feminine forces, but we are attempting to move beyond.
But most likely, in the here and now, we are attempting the former - To Balance our Masculine (Ha) and (The) Feminine forces, balance the Ha/Tha… hence Hatha Yoga.



 The Year I took Personal Process and Playfulness to Heart

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The Year I took Personal Process and Playfulness to Heart

Well this has been quite the year and I am so deeply grateful for all your support while I lived through the journey of healing my broken leg.  Fingers crossed, 2016 will be my year for building even more of my strength back.

As I reflect on my year, there was something that kept coming up for me in my personal life and so I would like to call this year -  "The Year I took Personal Process and Playfulness to Heart".


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What I Realized In The Desert

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What I Realized In The Desert

As you may have heard, I went back to Burning Man…. and I did not break my leg!  What you also heard was it was a hard year because it was so windy, dusty, and freezing.   I attend Burning Man first and foremost for the desert, the art, my friends, and the fire rituals that occur throughout Black Rock City.  But this year…. It really was ALL ABOUT THE DUST.  I was one of the Early Arrivals to the event in order to help build my camp and help other camps out. By day 2, the weather was so perfect we were able to build almost our entire camp which included putting up our massive Moroccan style tent for our daily life coach workshops.  By the next morning, up to 50 mph winds had blown through knocking over our Moroccan tent and many other camps’ tents, domes, and even an RV!   We waited out the wind and dust storm for a whole day.  Eventually,  the winds slowed down but never stopped.  We rebuilt the tent with an even stronger method of tying it down…. but it soon became apparent that the winds were here to stay for the week of Burning Man.  


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Healing More Than My Leg


Healing More Than My Leg

Dearest Yogis, Friends,and Lovers,

An unbelievable thing happened to me that woke me up to the truth about healing.  I broke my leg at Burning Man - in the middle of the desert, in a place I had been working hard to get back to for the past 365 days, and I was 3 hours from the nearest hospital.  Breaking my leg meant that I had to leave Burning Man and there was potential to not be able to go back.  Needless to say, I broke my leg at the worst possible time and I was ANGRY.



My Dad's Retirement Sermon

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My Dad's Retirement Sermon

So far this has been a remarkable year in my family.  I became an aunt, my mother turned 70, and my father retired from over 30 years as a minister in the Protestant church!  I am in awe and feeling deeply honored to be able to witness all of this growth in my immediate family!  For now, we will bask in our achievements and watch my niece grow! 


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Lightening Up

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Lightening Up

My Favorite quote of the month!  Jean and I are always talking about Lightening UP in Teacher Trainings and Aldous Huxley says it perfectly!

"It's dark because you're trying to hard, Dark because you want it to be light.... Lightly, child, lightly. You've got to learn to do everything lightly. Think lightly, act lightly, feel lightly. Yes, feel lightly, even though you're feeling deeply. Just lightly let things happen and lightly cope with them...   


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Happy New Year!  I love you!


Happy New Year! I love you!

I finished this year off spending time with my ROOTS.  I traveled home and stomped around NYC and Poughkeepsie with old friends, new friends, and my whole family.  This year has been a pivotal year for me personally but also for just about everyone I know!  Maybe I am simply at that age where I see bigger picture stuff but I also see how much hard work is being done to assure our futures feel FULL through connection and interdependence.

